Bank of America (with Drive-thru ATM) i Greenbelt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBank of America (with Drive-thru ATM)



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7595, Ora Glen Drive, 20770, Greenbelt, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-486-1078
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9908195, Longitude: -76.8753615

kommentar 5

  • timothy jordan

    timothy jordan


    I hate that bank I get racially profiled every time I come in there. And the bank had 2.5 star so that should tell you something.. that bank manager needs to be fired.

  • Caroline Olarte

    Caroline Olarte


    The line is always long. Only one staff member behind the glass and another staff greets customers (don't really care if I'm greeted as I walk inside). This person needs to help the other staff member behind the glass so there's no long wait for any member. When asked why doesn't she help the person behind the glass and she always say "I don't have access to the drawer". This branch is poorly manage, I have been to few Bank of America branch around the area and their workflow has been very efficient.

  • Clinton Enwerem

    Clinton Enwerem


    I met with Anthonia Joma-Egbi, a banking associate, to open a bank account. She was very professional and her service was exceptional. She was also very knowledgeable about BofA services and introduced me to the superb credit card benefits, online and mobile app services, and even Life Plan® to help me manage my finances. With only a few visits, I feel like I know just enough to handle my financial resources. I'd definitely recommend BofA to anyone looking for an excellent financial services provider with remarkable customer service.

  • Candice



    Went in to solve an issue another BOA made on my minor son’s account which caused him to lose all the money in his savings account. Trishan helped me get everything back on track and really showed compassion. She was patient, friendly, and kind. I would consider coming to BOA for my own banking needs.

  • Q D

    Q D


    I had a superb experience. After getting a call from my relationship Manager to come in for a financial review on my life Priorities. I was a bit hesitant why I needed any review at all.I decided to go for the appointment at the Hanover Parkway Financial Center.The Bank associates were remarkable. I met with the bank associate Anthonia Joma-Egbi .Her knowledge of their services was exceptional. Services and tips to help financial decisions.I was glad i did.She actually took me through why I needed the life plan tool.Bank of America is my no 1 preferred bank and also a great referral to others.

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