Bank of America (with Drive-thru ATM) i Brandon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBank of America (with Drive-thru ATM)



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300, South Parsons Avenue, 33511, Brandon, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-655-4512
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.9345164, Longitude: -82.2862908

kommentar 5

  • YouTube CashoutCourse

    YouTube CashoutCourse


    For some people they follow protocol for others they don’t. I watched the rep give out 2 cashiers checks before me no verification All of a sudden I have to triple verify. Also the wait time here is ridiculous! Do not recommend!

  • Briana Graham

    Briana Graham


    Always has long waits. Only one person on a Monday at 9am. I understand there may be a staff shortage but let’s cross train. You have personal bankers and greeters if they are not with a customer should be able to jump behind the counter to help out. It seems to be the same issue base of the previous complaints. When will it be resolved?

  • Angel Ramos

    Angel Ramos


    I have so much time to wait in the teller line that it seemed proper to leave this review. There are multiple individuals working at the branch today, at least 4 that I can see in the front and maybe more could be in the back. However, only one is at the teller booth managing all the customers, one at her office space and the other two are not using their time wisely. They are just walking around and taking on roles that are less than adequate for the current situation. Management at this branch seems highly ineffective and it doesn't seem like efficiency is at the top of management's mind.

  • al-Hasan Ali

    al-Hasan Ali


    They have 4 windows to serve people but there is one employee there . I had to stay 30 minutes to do very quick and simply process. Thats stupid.

  • Christina Wilson

    Christina Wilson


    Work for a company and everytime we try to go to bank minimum 30 minute wait! Usually only has 1 teller. I use to work for a bank and we had our Customer Service people run teller windows to help with lines. Walked in and atleast 20 people in line. Line to the door. That is unacceptable when our employees need to get back to work. Definitely looking into changing banks! Guy just left and said he waited 2 hours! Really???

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