Bank of America (with Drive-thru ATM) i Crofton

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Forenede StaterBank of America (with Drive-thru ATM)



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2001, Davidsonville Road, 21114, Crofton, Anne Arundel County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 410-451-5172
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.0190723, Longitude: -76.6944616

kommentar 5

  • Andu Tes

    Andu Tes


    I wish I can give less than one with the attitude of the teller very disrespectful, bad attitude and word, hitting the counter and jumping from her sit for a single question I asked her. I don’t know why the branch manager is not taking any action. I saw this kind of comment from other customers too.

  • Nathan P.

    Nathan P.


    I came two days ago to get a cashier's check, and the Latina that was working there was amazing. Such awesome customer service. I came this morning, she said hello and remembered me. However, the woman who helped me had a bad attitude and wasn't friendly at all. Please explain to her that on the very rare occasion that I need to visit the branch, and not bank online, I don't want to have to deal with her disgruntled attitude.

  • Susan Pratt

    Susan Pratt


    I've been banking here before Bank of America bought the original bank. I always had positive experiences until recently. The bank tellers at my branch in Crofton, MD are wonderful. However, one woman in the customer service section has been rude to me in regard to several issues I have had recently because someone has been able to get my account information I have had so many debit cards it is a nightmare and she suggested that I may lose my account. Blaming a customer is not the way to fix a problem. I intend to take this further up the chain once I am able to get her name.

  • Janice Kim

    Janice Kim


    One of the best bank branches I've ever dealt with. The center is staffed with highly competent and caring women of color - always a pleasure to witness. The manager, Nastassja Moret, is extremely hands on with clients (she even remembered my mother from working at a nearby branch). And, financial advisor, Stephanie Hurtado, goes above and beyond her job - helping me with credit card problems! I wish all financial institutions functioned like this center!

  • Michael Sola

    Michael Sola


    I arrived at the drive thru on 4:55pm – the sign as I pulled behind the one vehicle at the window was green and I noticed it turned red as I placed my car into park. The vehicle in front of me took almost 10 minutes to complete their transaction, I know this as I was keenly watching the clock. When I pulled up a teller shook her head, I motioned to please come over and was rudely told they were closed. I indicated that this was not the first time I have had to experience such slow service at the drive thru and that I had arrived before the drive thru closed. At this point the teller, a woman with dark hair and spoke with an accent, waived her hand at me as if to say "go away" and in a dismissive manner walked away. I was infuriated, first by having to wait as long as I did in line, and now being dismissed in such a manner after sitting in a hot running car. As a long time customer I was not use to this type of service, this teller needs a serious lesson it providing good customer service. The drive thru service at the Crofton branch is notoriously slow and under serviced prone to making errors. Last week the teller gave me a deposit slip that had a stamped amount different from what was actually deposited. It’s not the first time errors have happened at the drive thru and the wait time at the window gets longer and longer.

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