Bank of America Financial Center i Fort Worth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBank of America Financial Center



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4751, South Hulen Street, 76132, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-292-0111
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.677618, Longitude: -97.3945925

kommentar 5

  • Scott Greenlee

    Scott Greenlee


    Forget trying to reach anyone at the branch by telephone!

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    R Taru


    Longest wait time ever for the drive thru teller. They have shorted my change order three times and the first time they called me a liar. $2 have been reconciled but they have still stolen $6.13.

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    cristian ortega


    This location is nothing short of awful. Been here twice and both times there have been 6+ people in line with only 1 Teller! With that, there are 4 male bankers hanging out in an office occasionally coming out and asking if we needed help. Yes, get behind the window and help people.

  • Neveah Mariz

    Neveah Mariz


    The worst experience! this lady at the beginning was very helpful and then this other lady came here and rudely told me she couldnt do anything and kicked me out without a good reason just because there was more people in line and all i needed was to deposit ! i will find out her name and i will speak to the headquarters about her customer service!!!!!!!

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    Donna Stanton


    I was hassled by the teller about asking for change of $80 just because I put a blue bag in the commercial drawer and asked for change for work. She asked for my account number for my business. I gave her my debit card and stated I wanted change through my account. She said she could do it today. The next thing I knew the manager came over and stated that in the future I needed to go to the bank where my business banked. They needed to save their change for their commercial customers. REALLY? I have a personal balance in my accounts with BOA that should hold some weight. You want to hassle me for $80 in change?

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