Bank of America Financial Center i Albany

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBank of America Financial Center



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1516, Solano Avenue, 94707, Albany, Alameda County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 510-559-4060
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.8906789, Longitude: -122.2863669

kommentar 5

  • Ellen Hashiguchi

    Ellen Hashiguchi


    Branch never answers the phone. I've had to go to the bank twice only to find out that I have to make an appointment even to go to my deposit box. I wanted to know if they have a notary. Impossible to get an answer even through customer service.

  • Michael Grinder

    Michael Grinder


    The bank manager needs to be replaced. Refuses to help. All they did was give us a number to call. They closed our accounts and sent us a check because we didn't update something. Whatever it was they couldn't tell is that either. After we receive our check they asked us to come back. Never. Never again. Pull your money and go to another bank this one is all for profit.

  • 张红记



    This bank branch has no respect for its customers' time. Why do you post a schedule on the door stating that you are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays when you are actually closed on this Thursday, 8/19/2021? Plus, why are you closed most weekdays when all other bank branches on Solano Ave can stay open for the last few months?

  • James Esver

    James Esver


    This 5 Plus Star Rating is for Ying Li, the Relationship Manager of this Institution. Ying telephoned me in an effort to address my banking issues. She was super professional, courteous and understood my point of view. Ying listened and allowed me to express my negative thoughts and with my best interest in mind. She repeated my issue back to me and offered support and a solution. I appreciated her confidence in her customer relations skills and abilities. And now the reason I am continuing my banking relationship with BofA. Thanks Ying. Be Well.

  • Taylor Lindstrom

    Taylor Lindstrom


    Truly one of the worst banks I've ever been to. I'm grateful it's not mine, but I'm in every month to deposit a check for someone else, and invariably there's a line of four to five people and the wait is close to half an hour. There are generally only two tellers compared to some four people who are there for loans and mortgages (and apparently unable to help with the long line). There's also a manager who goes around asking how she can help. This is, apparently, only for if you need to access a deposit box, as she can't help with anything else. It's clear they need more tellers - all of their complaints are about this issue - and yet here's the line at 3:45 pm: 6 people, two at the teller windows. I was here today long enough to write this entire review.

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