Bank of America Financial Center i Dumont

Forenede StaterBank of America Financial Center



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110, Washington Avenue, 07628, Dumont, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-385-3400
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.9397686, Longitude: -73.9942296

kommentar 3

  • Katrina Fuhrman

    Katrina Fuhrman


    Too bad I didn’t read the reviews before *making an appointment* for this morning at 9am! I specified in my request to meet with someone who’d assist me with using their app as I *just* created a checking account with BOA (within the week) & could not figure out their system of transferring $ to outside bank accounts (compared to Chase❤️😍, BoA’s system is a total nightmare). I met with a girl named Katherine & despite her condescending attitude, she simply was not prepared for our meeting at all. I may as well have not even made an appointment. She ended the conversation telling me I’d have to call in. Which I did. And spent easily another half hour on the phone with customer service being accused of fraud on my own account. Literally the exact reason why I waited so long to get any other accounts with them - they pull the same stunts on the cc I’ve had with them for years to the point where I don’t even use it. Once this $300 checking acct promo comes thru, that’ll be it for me & BOA.

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    Jhoanny Cerda


    Terrible customer service and wait time beyond comprehensible; specially for non-BofA customers. Branch Manager is always sitting in her office, instead of being visible and accessible to the bank visitors. One Teller in particular, Sandra, should not be intecating with customers and representing the levels of customer service that BofA stands behind. She should be in the back office filing papers, with her unapproachable attitude.

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    Raphael Kang


    The reason I am writing this review is due to multiple poor experiences. The Bank of America in Dumont is by far the worst Bank of America branch I have been to. Both customer service and their ATM machines are horrible. Their Drive-Thru and indoor ATM constantly fails. These ATM periodically fails to read any card, occasionally does not show deposited check images online due to their buggy sequence number, and at time it does not let you deposit checks. One of the Teller here is not nice, I always try to avoid her. I do not feel welcomed at this location.

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