Banfield Pet Hospital i Oklahoma City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBanfield Pet Hospital



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1417, West Interstate 240 Service Road, 73159, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 405-682-8387
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Latitude: 35.3930558, Longitude: -97.5399249

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nick Shadowens


    I have been going to this Banfield for two years now, and they have absolutely amazing service and care for my dog Kato. They are meticulously detailed in their methods and explain everything to make sure you know what they are doing. I have been thru series of vets over the years and these individuals take the utmost care for my fur baby.

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    Gave one star because zero stars isn’t an option. If your pet is at all anxious, this is not the place to take him/her. We have an anxious dog, and while the front desk people were great, the vet and vet tech made no effort to become acquainted with my dog or put us at ease. We felt very unwelcome and won’t be going back.

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    Brian Lehew


    Very unprofessional, Our dog is skiddish and barks when nervous, after bringing him in for a scheduled appointment that we pay for monthly, because he is barking, we are turned away and had to reschedule. I feel like someone working at a vet’s office should know how to handle and work around dogs, not act afraid of them while he is in a muzzle no less, animals pick up on that behavior and it doesn’t really help put them at ease. If you can’t handle a scared barking dog you should find a new line of work. Won’t be going back.

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    Mercedes Vasquez


    These people are ridiculous my dog got porvo and I took him up there and they was asking for alot of money just to treat him well we didn't have the money at the time and we told them we was just going to take him home and we asked what we could do at home to help him they said nothing he'll die within some days without treatment well 3 days later my dog is fine healthy running and eating again after looking up some home remedies for porvo these people are just in it for the money and should be ashamed of themselves for it how can you look someone in the eyes and tell them they pet will die unless you hand over money.

  • Kayla Eggers

    Kayla Eggers


    The staff and vets are amazing and super nice! They always take great care of my pitbull and even helped save him when he had parvo.

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