Bams Sales & Service Inc. w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneBams Sales & Service Inc.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4703, Griggs Road, 77021, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-748-4107
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7010288, Longitude: -95.3451648

komentarze 5

  • chidinma nwadialo

    chidinma nwadialo


    They did a good job and excellent customer service. He knows what he is talking about.

  • sherika babers

    sherika babers


    Customer service was Great My Car was done in a timely manner & very nice owner 👍🏾👍🏾💯‼️

  • Jasmine Jordan

    Jasmine Jordan


    AVOID THIS PLACE AT ALL COST!!!! If I could give this place zero stars, I would. First, the son of the owner was very professional and tried his best to help solve my car issues. However, it was clear that he was inexperienced. Whereas, the father who was “so experienced”, did nothing to help figure out the issue. While his son inspected my car, the father sat inside the store the entire time. At the conclusion of the inspection, the son gave his notes to the father. There, the father proceeded to tell me the issues with my car as if he did the inspection himself. Ultimately, the information he provided was inaccurate and misleading at best. I left the store in the same position I came; having an issue and not knowing what was the cause. This experience was definitely a waste of my money and time. If you feel comfortable wasting your money and time, please visit this place. If not, AVOID AT ALL COST!!!

  • en

    zarah Lewis


    I came with my sister and got her car washed ended up loving one of their car that they had sitting out front with good prices on them after 6 months of having one of his cars with no problems I came back and got a brand new set of tires at the low and also got my car shampooed and the owner gave me a free car wash and everyone loved getting something for free the business was impeccable and is a service I would never forget and will definitely come back to get my car wash at least once a week .

  • en

    Priyanka Patel


    I called them telling them I had a problem with the rotors in my car. The man that was on the phone with me was very honest and told me to take it back to the dealership. He claimed he was in the business to make money, but not to cheat people. That is very respectful of him and will definitely always come back to this place if I ever have car troubles in the future! Bless his soul for not trying to make money off of me. 10/10 would recommend! You will NOT get cheated!

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