Ballard Pharmacy en New York

Estados UnidosBallard Pharmacy



🕗 horarios

226, Prospect Park West, 11215, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-768-1325
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.659988, Longitude: -73.98099

comentarios 5

  • Jason Hartley

    Jason Hartley


    Friendly and unbelievably fast. My best experience with any pharmacy by far.

  • en

    Jonathan Samuel


    Great neighborhood pharmacy. Always open, helpful staff, awesome service.

  • Jeremy Esterman

    Jeremy Esterman


    Very friendly staff and good product selection. As others have said, the service is what differentiates this pharmacy. They cater to customers individually - know their names, their wants and requirements. They stay open past business hours when a customer is running late but needs their meds, and will special order certain items because a single person asked. Saj, the owner, even looks for promotional discounts online before filling a prescription in order to always find the lowest price for his clients, at no benefit to himself - I didn't find out until going to Duane Reade and being charged twice the amount I pay every month at Ballard! Two thumbs up

  • Chris Parris

    Chris Parris


    The reviews are right. I didn't expect too much from a pharmacy, but the staff is super cool and friendly. Came here to pick up a package, easy as can be!

  • iffath khan

    iffath khan


    People here are extremely nice. They care about you. The owner of this pharmacy almost know every customers name. They prepare your medicine within few minutes. Their UPS service is great too.

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