Balboa Stadium i San Diego

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBalboa Stadium


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1418-1570, Russ Boulevard, 92101, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 619-525-7464
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Latitude: 32.720434, Longitude: -117.150394

kommentar 5

  • Steve Lacy

    Steve Lacy


    Stadium was great and turf is above average

  • Renee Morales

    Renee Morales


    Went for my sons lacrosse game, big stadium style seating. Overall nice campus

  • Mackie Moon

    Mackie Moon


    Class of 1997 Go Cavers!!!! A whole lot of memories at this place, I'm sure no matter what school you went to Balboa Stadium means a lot to you. If you have a brother cousin uncle they played football or ran track or soccer in Balboa Stadium same as if you have a sister, niece, mom, Etc they have been to or played at Balboa Stadium got to love it, right next to Balboa Park, down the street from the San Diego Zoo two blocks from downtown San Diego

  • desmond morketter

    desmond morketter


    Fantastic place for sporting events. Anything from popwarner games to college track meets.

  • Rudy Cuevas

    Rudy Cuevas


    Great stadium nestled right in the middle of San Diego. Being right in the middle of Balboa park defiantly a plus. Lots to do in the area. Just a little confusing on how to get to the stadium. Entrance is really hidden.

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