Balance with TK w Suffern

Stany ZjednoczoneBalance with TK



🕗 godziny otwarcia

74, Lafayette Avenue, 10901, Suffern, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-363-0010
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1156439, Longitude: -74.151292

komentarze 4

  • en

    Amy Henning


    My girls love Balance with TK's kids yoga class. They learn yoga poses and have fun. The class also teaches them meditation and calming techniques. Every week, my girls are eager and excited to start their yoga class. Thank you, Tatyana!!

  • Maxim Ammo

    Maxim Ammo


    This is a great place for anyone who wants to learn about MELT and yoga the owner is a great person and can give you the best tips after each class about wellness and healthy life style.

  • en

    Jennifer Hart


    My daughter and her friends LOVE the kids yoga classes! Not only does Tatyana focus on teaching yoga and yoga poses, but overall mindfulness as well. My daughter enjoys reflecting on things she is thankful for and other calming exercises just as much as the fun yoga. I would definitely recommend this for boys or girls of almost any age.

  • Leah Ferrer

    Leah Ferrer


    My daughter loves taking her kids yoga class with Balance with TK's Tatyana. They have a lot of fun in yoga when learning the various poses. This is a very extraordinary class, as there is a lot of fun blended into the movements so they are getting so much more out of the class, not just exercise. The class also brings out their creativity with artwork. My daughter loves how Tatyana teaches them and uses essential oils which help to create a relaxing feeling at the end of class. Kid’s yoga has been a joy - we love coming here and look forward to each session!

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