Baird George M DDS i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBaird George M DDS



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1325, 18th Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-659-9494
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Latitude: 38.908007, Longitude: -77.0413933

kommentar 2

  • en

    Alison LaBonte


    My husband and I went to Dr Baird for at least five years. We would continue but are moving across country. Dr Baird is very professional and conservative (will make recommendations of the work you actually need done, vs saying anything he sees as a flaw needs treatment now- which is what my husband's prior dentist had done). The several fillings we've had have all gone well and one filling that "leaked" he fixed no problem. He also helped me with recommendations for an orthodontist. He doesn't have the most high-tech top notch gear, but we haven't noticed a short fall in quality as a result. The administrative staff isn't super professional/friendly, but works. He has had recent turn over in hygienic staff, and the new staff seems okay. Can be painful cleanings, but maybe that is just my husband and I that need extra care/deep cleaning (we aren't the best at dental hygiene).

  • Jessamine Bartley-Matthews

    Jessamine Bartley-Matthews


    Pros: Dr. Baird is professional and kind, and his hygienist is thorough (albeit a little rough at times). I never had a cavity when I visited Dr. Baird, and I felt really great about how great my teeth supposedly were. Staff are friendly, and they were never late in seeing me at my scheduled time. Cons: I went to another dentist recently for my 6-month checkup, and this new dentist used newer technologies to identify tooth decay. It turns out that I had three cavities that hadn't been identified with Dr. Baird and that (thankfully) hadn't progressed too far. If you want a great cleaning and a calm, kind interaction, he's the best. If you want someone to really get in there and find all your problems, not the way to go.

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