Bagel Boss East w Bay Shore

Stany ZjednoczoneBagel Boss East



🕗 godziny otwarcia

555, Montauk Highway, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-665-9820
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7285541, Longitude: -73.2301825

komentarze 5

  • en

    Debra L. Jimenez


    Great food great service too. I love there macaroni e. Yummy!

  • en

    Jose Rodriguez


    This place is extremely slow, inconsiderate of people. Whole staff moves like they dont give a rats ass that the place is packed. 40 just for a egg on a roll smh . By far the worst bagel spot. If you are in a rush dont come here.

  • en

    stef espey


    i love this place but when i want a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel for lunch and i can’t get it becaus they close their grill like 2.5 hours before they close is ridiculous. and also the next day i asked for one on a bagel and they gave it to me on a roll. they need to hire people that know the difference between a BAGEL and a ROLL.

  • en

    Jason Cecere


    Great food. Only sometimes the line takes long. That's my only complaint. is very good and clean environment

  • Kyle Elmore

    Kyle Elmore


    The food is normal deli food. I have been here 10+ times and just feel the need to let people know that the customer service is not good. Employees seem to be in a bad mood. And I recently ordered one of their signature sandwiches with a substitution of one meat for a vegetable. I was told it would be the same price, but when I looked at my receipt I was charged an extra dollar. I will not be returning now because of the bad customer service and the pricing is not accurate.

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