Bad Wolf Ghost Tours w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneBad Wolf Ghost Tours


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

Austin, TX 78701, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 805-757-0512
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.2680965, Longitude: -97.7415193

komentarze 5

  • Amanda Moreno

    Amanda Moreno


    My husband and I had a tour last night and it was FANTASTIC!! Our tour guide was very knowledgeable, kind and funny. She deserves 5 stars alone(her name was Anna)!!! This definitely did not disappoint and we will definitely be doing this again. We met amazing people and gained life long friends!!! We have never done anything like this and we will definitely be looking to do more tours like this!! Thanks Bad Wolf Ghost Tours for such a fantastic experience!-

  • en

    Samantha Cerda


    Wolf gave me an awesome tour with all the thrills and chills I desired I felt it gave life to out local areas in Austin. I would love to bring my friends and family when they come into town this year

  • Ashley Bocconcelli

    Ashley Bocconcelli


    Super cool tour! 10/10 would recommend to anyone out to have a good time. Great stories great bars. If you're looking to have a unique time out in Austin, its a fun way to get adjusted to the city and its quirky ways.

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    Anthony Shields


    We had Anna as our guide and she was both incredibly knowledgeable of the bars and their history, and extremely passionate and enthusiastic about her role as a tour guide and story teller. Her love for the job clearly came through and I would absolutely recommend this tour and Anna to any visitor to the city of Austin.

  • Kimberly Gutierrez

    Kimberly Gutierrez


    Was hoping for more spooky stories, and 20 minutes at each bar makes the whole thing seem very rushed. Friendly tour guide. But if you are a paranormal fanatic, you may be underwhelmed by this tour.

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