Babyvision en Poughkeepsie

Estados UnidosBabyvision



🕗 horarios

30, Firemens Way, 12603, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-473-6780
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.678035, Longitude: -73.856018

comentarios 3

  • en

    Denise Hulsman


    I placed an on line order last December. My total order was $197.00. I was promised to receive by Christmas, which was what I wanted. I never received my order and had called a few times to check on the package. I was told it had been delivered by UPS, which was not the case. I never received anything, nor did I ever sign for anything. After numerous phone calls, I was promised to receive my money back once a claim was filed. Since I was not the shipper and I was a 3rd party, I couldn't file the claim. I had cancelled my charges though my credit card and I never received a refund from my bank because they (BabyVision) said they filed this claim and were going to reimburse me. To make a long story short, today is October 1st, 2017 and I still haven't received my money. They have sent me numerous emails saying they were only going to pay me $114.00 (What UPS refunded them) I told them that I deserved my full refund as I didn't get any of my order. I am not responsible for who they chose to ship their merchandise nor should I have to take a loss. This company refuses to pay me back, but deducted it from my bank. This is theft! Do not put yourself out.. I work hard for my money and in good faith trusted this company.. Don't waste your time or money. Their customer service will give you a huge run around and lie to you. The manager, Amit Shah thinks I don't deserve my money, because he was charged 35.00 as a charge back fee for me stopping payment through my bank. I am truly disgusted and I believe this is theft.

  • en

    Jennifer Valentin


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    Joselin Ferreyra


Tienda de ropa más cercano

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