A&W Restaurant w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneA&W Restaurant



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4219, Marconi Avenue, 95821, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-483-2728
strona internetowej: www.awrestaurants.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.6180165, Longitude: -121.3660679

komentarze 5

  • Vadim Nikitchuk

    Vadim Nikitchuk


    Delayed my order due to not available crispy chicken. Gave me extra food for waiting 30 minutes.

  • Gimo Lim

    Gimo Lim


    Worst A&W place ever and worst crew for a fastfood.. they get your order wrong and act like its your fault. Then make you go around the drive through to order again. Im not gonna be suprised if this location loses a lot of bussiness l. NEGATIVE STARS for this location AVOID this place and save yourself a headache.. 👎🏻👎🏻

  • Brandon Weiss

    Brandon Weiss


    The whole lunch crew should be fired! It took me twice around the drive through, and a trip back inside by the employee because they forgot my chili fries. My burger was cold. It took them 39 minutes to get it wrong! Negative Stars!

  • Raven C

    Raven C


    Every single time I order from this specific location they ALWAYS forget at least 1 thing wether it’s on doordash or through the drive through, they literally don’t follow basic instructions, definitely needs new employees as well. I placed an order today and even called to make sure they had everything correct and asked them to read it back TWICE and they still managed to forgot my drink and the food was sitting for so long everything was cold by the time I got it. Just go to any location besides this one.

  • Jeremy Gunderson

    Jeremy Gunderson


    Really great pricing on good American hamburgers and root beer floats. They still sell A&W Root Beer by the half gallons for like four bucks. I got a huge milkshake for 4 dollars that was too big for me and I'm a ice cream freak!

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