Avis Car Rental i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAvis Car Rental



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1908, L Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 202-887-4759
internet side: www.avis.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9035462, Longitude: -77.0440383

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martha Beltz


    Have currently stood in line (started at #8) for ONE FULL HOUR beyond my reservation time only to learn that I have to WAIT for a car to return! Unbelievable ... completely ruined my plans for the day.

  • en

    Zoran Stamenkovski


    We have rented a car for 4 days from Avis and we have been doing for several years, but this time it was not a good experience. We've picked up the car last Tuesday at 4 pm. We wanted to take a trip from Washington to Philadelphia the following day with our GPS. It turned out that the cigar lighter socket that the GPS needs for power didn't work. We then drove back to AVIS in Washington down town to complaint about the cigar lighter socket and get another car so we could use our GPS for our trip. The kind AVIS employee told us that there were no more cars available and told us their department always get bad cars. She then advised us to drive to the airport AVIS department to pick up a new car. The problem was that we are first time visitors from Europe and could not get around without a GPS. We were stuck with the car, and cancelled our trip to Philadelphia.

  • John Pahssen

    John Pahssen


    rented a great little car in the middle of the city and drove it all day towards Virginia and then back to Georgetown and then to the Baltimore airport. the ease of pick up and drop off was amazing!!

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    Kristian Overbeek


    So I rented a car for a day at a price of $86. I ended up paying $300 (!!!). Just be ready for it. The reason for this unreal increase in price: insurance and a 1-hour delay in return. The insurance alone was another $40. For my 1-hour delay (it is not possible to return the car after 5pm on Saturday) they doubled both my one-day rental fee, insurance and slapped me with a $15 late charge to add insult to injury. You get to $300 once you add the sales tax. What an incredible scam. Will never rent again.

  • en

    Thomas Kirby


    Not sure what is going on here, but the poor reviews are not without merit. I had a reasonable experience until I returned the car with a full tank of gas and received a fuel charge of 14.99 plus tax. Apparently they shift the burden to the customer to make an affirmative showing that gas was purchased whenever the car was driven less than 75 miles. Nevertheless, to trigger this showing, the contract requires that they request a receipt at the time of return. Notwithstanding this, I was not asked for a receipt and was charged the $15 fee. If you have to rent here, you will be fine if you watch out for the sneaky charges.

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