Avenue w Levittown

Stany ZjednoczoneAvenue



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3521, Hempstead Turnpike, 11756, Levittown, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-579-5873
strona internetowej: www.avenue.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.727726, Longitude: -73.5060362

komentarze 4

  • en

    Bridget Mcmullan


  • Sheila Frezza

    Sheila Frezza


  • en

    Theresa Rybicki


    Love their selection, very fashionable.

  • Christine Sisak

    Christine Sisak


    Love the clothes, hate the store. I've shopped there for quite some time and I'm a very loyal customer. I'm not a fan of their lack of customer gratitude. The girls there were never one to be helpful and forthcoming with store coupons. My last trip there, I was returning something with receipt that I had purchased. I was a day late within their return bracket. The girl made a big deal about how they can only take it back at it's current price even though a had a receipt...NO EXCEPTIONS because it was policy. That was until she found out the item was currently more money than what I had paid in the first place. Suddenly the store policy changed and she was going to make an exception. I didn't want anything more than what I paid for the item. It's just the principal of it. This is only one of many times the girls were a little shady regarding "store policy". I have shopped there often, the girls know my face, I have supported their magazine contests, and I'm a loyal customer. I expect the same in return. I will no longer shop at this store. I'm going to give another location a chance. If it's the same, I will take my business to another brand.

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