Ave P Coffee Shop w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAve P Coffee Shop



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407, Avenue P, 11223, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-673-5506
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6090936, Longitude: -73.9724325

komentarze 5

  • Dan Waterbury

    Dan Waterbury


    Saw this place had great reviews. Ordered delivery, the food was kinda small and dry. How they delivered the coffee also was wrapped in plastic wrap but was spilled all inside it, so when I pulled out the cup it was wet. Maybe I’ll try going in next time but not delivery again

  • en

    Rebecca Mercado


    LOVELY place with WONDERFUL service! Needed a place that actually serves good food in the neighborhood. Pedro and staff are friendly and very attentive. My boyfriend and I started frequenting this place since they've opened and it's only getting better. The menu has a vast selection of yummy, fresh food. They also deliver which is a major plus! Dining in is always great with a clean bathroom, good music and comfortable booths and tables. They also offer free WiFi and outlets for use. They are extremely clean and the quality of the food is 5 STAR. - This is definitely my go to spot.

  • en

    Sharon Mizrahi


    The Western omelette is stuffed with onions, peppers, and ham and cooked just right! Home fries are delicious, not too greasy and have a great little crust from where they hit the grill. Side order of bacon is a perfect portion size, and texture is on point...not too crunchy, not too soggy. I appreciate that they took care to wrap my coffee in saran wrap so it wouldn't spill during delivery. One of the few places that delivers a great quality, great value breakfast in the area. Will order again.

  • en

    cat P


    Very good food with good prices! Breakfast all day! Anything I have tried so far has been very good! Highly recommended!

  • Vishwajeet Shelar

    Vishwajeet Shelar


    Nice cozy place. Good for groups as well as couples. Great place to visit in the morning. They serve unlimited coffee and have a lot of breakfast options. The quantity is filling and prices are affordable. I personally love the italian connection omelette. The service may be a little slow if there is are many people. Otherwise the service is great and the staff is nice.

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