AutoZone w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneAutoZone



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4920, Ross Avenue, 75206, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-827-8994
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8064378, Longitude: -96.775187

komentarze 5

  • en

    William Anderson


    Always a good place to get good Auto Parts the people are very knowledgeable very very friendly and you can bet to get good parts there I've never had a problem airports are reasonable your staff is very knowledgeable and they help you great job AutoZone

  • en

    Eric of the Lee family


    Pretty good service but I guess not enough attendance today... Should be more computer assistance, at all time's it's all AutoZone locations !!! this is a very very very busy location.. but for this day, as long as they keep it moving they will not get over crowded !

  • Reo Casey

    Reo Casey


    Bought a battery here in mid 2015 with a three year warranty. Battery died about six weeks before the warranty was up so I got a jump and came back here. They pulled up the record of me buying the battery in their system, cleaned the battery terminals, swapped out the battery for a new one, all for free under the warranty and gave me a free soft drink because they were busy and I had to wait a few minutes. Only been here twice but both times were good experiences.

  • Logan Dorsey

    Logan Dorsey


    On a cold morning when my car was having some trouble starting, I decided to head to AutoZone to have my battery tested. The employee who helped me was very fast and friendly, especially to someone who is a bit lost under the hood. In addition, when I told him my car was less than 2 years old, he pointed out that I SHOULDN’T buy a battery from him, and instead I should go to the dealership first to see if it would be covered under warranty. I’ll definitely be coming back here for all my auto parts/supplies in the future :)

  • en

    Rachel Ruminski


    Was having trouble with a battery I purchased at a different location. Was helped within 1 minute, they determined the cause of the problem, fixed it, and I was off. Took all of about 10 minutes. Refreshing to see a place of business with employees that are polite and willing to help their customers. Thanks!!!

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