AutoZone w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAutoZone



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3312, Boston Road, 10469, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-515-8669
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.873298, Longitude: -73.8527235

komentarze 5

  • Magda Alicea

    Magda Alicea


    I place an order which was suppose to arrive yesterday at 6.15pm . Before I went to pick up my order I called they gave me a story about the UPS truck broke down and won't be able to deliver. That they will deliver on 6-24-18 at 9am. My item never arrived after I got there at 9am they told me there was a mixed up and will arrive at noon today. Didn't get there at noon they told me at 3pm. Well it didn't arrive at 3pm saying that there was and error in a number and that I will have to wait til Friday May 25 at 9am. They were very unprofessional and inefficient in tell me the truth of the situation. They didn't give me never a straight answer just the run around about the situation. Very dissatisfied and disappointed.

  • en

    Ferdinand Madaki


    I needed a battery test and it was efficiently done by a young man, who was also courteous and polite. Before coming to this shop, I'd gone to an auto zone shop in New Rochelle, where a worker told me that they don't do battery testing for Jeep Grand Cherokee because the battery is under the passenger seat, which only a mechanic can access. But when I came to this shop, in Bronx, the worker was willing to go the extra mile in testing my battery. And yes, it was all free! Thanks for your professionalism and efficiency.

  • en

    Uma Strategic


    The place is well stocked, the staff here is pretty decent. But the line set-up has to be addressed. They have a registered for payment & register for parts but you never know what line you are in until you get to the front of the line. Then you fine out you're in the wrong line , but theirs only one line. Confused yet? Exactly!!! The is a third registered, but since it's always empty. Why is there ? I don't know.

  • en

    evan kay


    This place needs Improvement, not much of a selection for car cleaning products and the lines are always terrible. You never know who's a cashier who's helping people find parts

  • April Jones

    April Jones


    I would give them a five but sometimes it's really crowded but I still wait because they really take care of you well, I'm able to get courteous help and information about my car whenever I go in the store no matter how crowded but it's New York, expect a crowd

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