AutoZone in New York

Vereinigte StaatenAutoZone



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2175, Hylan Boulevard, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-351-1438
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.5777652, Longitude: -74.1031279

kommentare 5

  • en

    Michael Merlino


    Friendly staff. Good prices.

  • Robyn Pantano

    Robyn Pantano


    Someone stole one of my wiper blades. They actually came out to my car and even put a new one on for me. Very helpful.

  • en

    Shao Ye


    Asked for a item and be told " Not here" then walk away. Not here what? Not in the store? section? Are you really expect the customer understand that short answer means - "It is not in this section, please follow and I will show you"? Also, it is quite confused where the line is.

  • Robert Friscia

    Robert Friscia


    Gr8 store. Gr8 working crew there knowledgeable and helpful. Gr8 return policy and warrantys.




    Always able to park in the parking lot which is a good thing. The staff is always helpful. I even seen one of the staff coming from helping somebody in the parking lot.This employee proceeded to start helping a customer just pulling into the parking lot before he got to the store. The customer was quite surprised and even mentioned how grateful he was for the immediate assistance. I thought that this was worth mentioning and hope it was helpful to those who read this review .I had also returned a part from a different auto zone and they had no problem with the return .

nächste Autoreparatur

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