AutoZone w Wappingers Falls

Stany ZjednoczoneAutoZone



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1582, U.S. 9, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-218-6060
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.597108, Longitude: -73.910462

komentarze 5

  • Robert Altro

    Robert Altro


    Staff is friendly. Haven't had any issues here. They always have what I need in stock.

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    George Mergel


    Needed a headlight brought it n these guys installed it for me no problem at all

  • Emily Raitt

    Emily Raitt


    Best auto parts store in the area. Very knowledgeable staff.

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    Sonny Black718


    First off driving in and out of the City daily. I purchased windshield wipers blades in Corona, Queens. (Rain X Brand sucks) Anticipating the weather to come. Driving home on the Taconic was crazy. Very, very low visibility. I was worried. As per that, this young lady named Rachel was awesome. She was able to point me in the right direct. She even helped placing the blades on the right way. If this review is being monitored. This young lady should remain on the staff. She is knowledgeable of the services and products. With a friendly smile. Thank you. Rachel Merry Christmas once again. (Construction Guy).

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    The battery I purchased was no good. I came in to have it replaced. That went well. The salesman asked me to wait until he took a customer who was behind me to complete his purchase. I had no problem with waiting. Once the salesman swapped batteries, he couldn't tighten down the bracket on the battery that keeps the battery stable when driving. He said he didn't have the right tool. So, he gives me a pair of pliers and says he has to go back inside to take care of customers, leaving me outside to finish the job. I couldn't tighten it down properly and had to spend time at home completing this job. This is very poor service, and is the second time I've complained about the service in an AutoZone store. Last time in was rudeness at the Poughkeepsie store. The fish rots from the head down, so management should learn to train their staff in customer service.

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