Autograph Film Services i Jersey City

Forenede StaterAutograph Film Services



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440, West Side Avenue, 07304, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-332-2219
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Latitude: 40.716171, Longitude: -74.085737

kommentar 5

  • Richard McCormack

    Richard McCormack


    awesome service never a problem, if your in need of anything from a to z he just may have it

  • Kareem Johnson

    Kareem Johnson


    It's a great store...with a great owner,good price to shop n ask questions...been going to him for a long time n i support his store.

  • en

    Alex Hodgkinson


    Rick is a great guy. Get my film developed here, cool little shop!

  • Ernest Paniccioli

    Ernest Paniccioli


    Each time I shop there I not only leave with a bargain, but also a smile. The owner Rich cares about your questions, his customers and he makes me miss the days of real dedicated Mom and Pop stores.

  • John Leonard

    John Leonard


    Autograph Film has been operating in Jersey City since 1947 although it has changed location. At one time stores like this were commonplace. Retail Photography stores on the street. Most of those stores have disappeared however, victims of cutthroat competition and now, the Internet. Autograph Film has survived because it's management is: a) Knowledgeable and expert in all forms of photography and photo equipment and b) Helpful and caring in explaining to everyone especially beginners the ins and outs of using their equipment. If this sounds like an ad my apologies, I am in no way affiliated with this company. However I did work there in the 1990s for a time and I remember it fondly and would recommend it to anyone interested in photography.

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