AutoEastern Paramus Nissan i Paramus

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331 Rt 4 W, Paramus, NJ 07652, США
kontakter telefon: +1 201-489-6330
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Latitude: 40.9135216, Longitude: -74.0433798

kommentar 5

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    nicola palumbo


    This experience was amazing I bought to Nissan in this dealer and my sales man David was a fantastic guy my next car im gonna go back for sure

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    Ricki Singer


    Luis was very friendly, helpful and explained everything clearly. He went out of his way to accommodate us.

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    Alon Ayzenberg


    I recommend this dealership and especially David, He made everything simple and especially extremely fast, which is very important in my opinion. Provided a good service before even after the sale whenever I had any question. I would definitely recommend this place in case you are looking for a car.

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    Adam V. K.


    I came to check the options to replace my lease of Nissan Altima and left with new Rogue. Roy (salesperson) was very helpful to show the cars, to explain details and to negotiate the monthly payments. Isabel (manager, finance) patiently took me through the process of signing and answering all my concerns. I left the place after 3 hours with good feeling about my lease for the next 36 months. I can't be sure that I got the very best price possible, but would definitely recommend everyone to check the dealership in search for their new Nissan car.

  • Christynn Henriquez

    Christynn Henriquez


    I went to Nissan Paramus February 2018. I walked and was warmly greeted by Jordan. I told him I was just looking and not sure if I wanted to purchase a new vehicle at the moment. I had an older van that was about to expire any day. My children are a little older so I did not want another Mini van. Jordan showed me and my husband the Rogue and the Pathfinder. We immediately loved the pathfinder because of the 3rd row. Jordan said hey lets run your credit and see what we can work out for you. We told him our budget and what we wanted. Jordan came back in about 15 min with an amazing offer, unfortunately it was not the color car I wanted. I wasn't ready to sign any papers bc I really wanted a black or white pathfinder. He came back with same model pathfinder in black this one included a premium package!!! I never expected to leave with a brand new 2018 Pathfinder in black!!! I was beyond happy with the service and Jordan's help. We were here for about 3-4 hours total. I highly recommend Nissan Paramus! Make sure to ask for Jordan. Happy Pathfinder owner =)

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