Auto Wurks Diesel w Caldwell

Stany ZjednoczoneAuto Wurks Diesel



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6, Park Avenue, 07006, Caldwell, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-226-7800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8409092, Longitude: -74.2767891

komentarze 5

  • Bill Dransfield

    Bill Dransfield


    I recently had repairs done with Chris and his team at Auto Wurks. Not only did they fix my truck but the professionalism that Chris and his team show is excellent. His shop is clean, organized and Chris is extremely thorough not to mention very knowledgeable. I could not be more pleased with the service that I received. I will go no where else! Chris and his team are absolutely your go-to for Diesel Service!

  • Stephen Roy Missbrenner

    Stephen Roy Missbrenner


    They are simply the finest technicians around! Chris the owner is amazing, he fixed what the dealers could not, he will get all my work and recommendations from now on, all emissions ,computers,fuel systems, electronics, trans, all diesel and foreign also, you won't find a more thorough and honest technician, he is truly passionate about his work, thank you Chris!!!!!

  • en

    Joe O'Brien


    Great shop. They took my old Landrover 110 diesel that was stranded during the middle of a snow storm and figured out the problem. A previous sloppy repair by a bad mechanic was causing an air leak in the fuel line. Good mechanics are rare these days. Don’t retire anytime soon.

  • Natalie a

    Natalie a


    Incredible. Absolutely incredible. The work that this shop does is mind blowing. With out any questions this is my go to shop. I will refer anyone family friends or just some people I meet to Auto Wurks Diesel. The amount of skill and knowledge these guys have is amazing. There isn’t a problem they can’t diagnose and fix. This is the only shop that I will ever let work on my truck. They are extremely quick but yet the most efficient shop with the highest quality of work.

  • en

    Joseph Roland


    Let me say there aren't enough stars here to rate this shop. The staff is very knowledgeable and friendly and these guys could diagnose a problem in their sleep. Their head mechanic Chis would never steer you wrong. They have worked on my truck numerous times and about to do another project for me . From start to finish the job is above and beyond almost unbelievable .Theres no one else i would trust or let touch my trucks!!!!

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