Austin Dental Plus w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAustin Dental Plus



🕗 godziny otwarcia

11074, Queens Boulevard, 11375, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-544-5055
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.718774, Longitude: -73.838775

komentarze 5

  • en

    Theodore Kasote


    Brilliant hygienist! Heidi is wonderful—really knows what she's doing. The entire Austin Dental Plus team are absolutely wonderful.

  • Kristen Swaby

    Kristen Swaby


    I took my daughter here, this morning, for her very first checkup. My anxiety was enough for the both of us, as I have serious issues with going to the dentist, myself. lol I reassured my l.o. that all would be well, and the dentist is just another doctor, that keeps us healthy. If I could give the staff, and doctor at Austin Dental, ten stars, I would. From our reception, to my babies' cleaning, and after care, was all done with optimal professionalism, and TLC. Our dental assistant, Heidy, was the best at putting my little girl (and myself, for that matter, ;)) completely at ease. The doctor, was super sweet, and informative. My only regret is not finding this office sooner. I would recommend them to anyone. I will definitely return.

  • en

    Amritesh Raman


    Austin Dental Plus has been a great experience. With a beautiful modern office and wonderful customer service. The office manager Astrid was very professional and accommodating. I highly recommend it.

  • en

    Rita Merson


    First things first : I highly recommend this place to anyone who is looking for any dental services. Everyone in this office is very professional and are ready to answer all of questions. The dental hygienist and the doctor have angelic hands . I had a cleaning and filling done and I didn’t experience any discomfort at all. Also , the place is very modern and clean .

  • en

    Juanita Bernal


    My experience at Austin Dental Plus has been exceptional! All the staff are friendly, helpful and do everything possible to provide you with the best help for your needs. You can always expect everyone to greet you in a nice way and with a smile on their faces. They provide you with any kind of help you might need and the best treatments possible for your health and for your benefit. The office manager Astrid Engelbrecht is very helpful, friendly and is always making sure you get the best treatment possible and works with you in any way you might need whether that is involving questions concerns or just needing advice for a treatment. The office is very clean, neat, and a comfortable setting. Everyone makes sure you get everything you need as a patient to have a great experience.

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