AT&T Store en Woodbury

Estados UnidosAT&T Store



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7975, Jericho Turnpike, 11797, Woodbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-921-8750
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8147665, Longitude: -73.4769821

comentarios 5

  • A.C. Antonelli

    A.C. Antonelli


    Very helpful, personable staff. They were fast, helped me upgrade to a new phone, and saved me a bunch of money by reviewing my account in the process. New phone and money saved. 10/10 would high five.

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    Joan Howell


    Had a problem with my Bluetooth connecting and the guy spent a lot of time and fixed it for me. Thank you for such good service

  • Jared Garfinkel

    Jared Garfinkel


    Staff helped my folks with their cell phones in a comfortable setting.

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    Umar Minhas


    Professional, productive and efficient staff. I came to this store frustrated from another AT&T Corporate Store (Hicksville, NY). The manager and one of the associates immediately greeted me, made me feel at ease, and took care of my situation (Note 7 recall / exchange). I will DEFINITELY go back here for ALL of my AT&T needs. Keep it up guys !

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    Roger Paganuzzi


    Absolutely terrible. Had product in hand walked to register to purchase. Two employees working with customers. Neither took the time to acknowledge me. Waited 15 minutes, timed on my watch. Dropped product on register and walked out. Neither employee said anything. I will never return. If you look to be treated like a human being I suggest you use other outlets .

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