AT&T Stadium w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneAT&T Stadium


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, AT&T Way, 76011, Arlington, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-892-4000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7472844, Longitude: -97.0944939

komentarze 5

  • Tony C

    Tony C


    Excellent facility, well set up as a large concert venue. We were there for the Kenny Chesney Trip Around the Sun Tour. We had floor seating, floor access is a bit cumbersome, be prepared to walk! Plenty of beverage options from the vendors and the staff did a great job dealing with a large and unruly crowd. We were seated section H near the sound equipment. I think one of the 1st level sections would give a better stage and screen view. We'll know for next time.

  • Nita Darden

    Nita Darden


    🗣️Never underestimate Jerry Jones🙋.. He delivered with this state of the art stadium. No matter where you sit the experience is still awesome! I go every season for different sporting events and concerts! The question is: 🤷Why you haven't been yet? Its worth an experience🙋🙌🙌

  • en

    Angelof Love30


    First tine visiting for local lead game got to see the stadium for a nice event and reasonable price of $22.00. The facility is phenomenal. Keep up the good work Jerry.

  • Chad Churchill

    Chad Churchill


    Amazing stadium!!! Plenty of parking near by and easy to get around. There is not a bad seat in the place. Handicap seating is mid level completely around the stadium. Some of the best viewing is from there. Very nice to see that they care about being handicap friendly. Beer and food are not to badly priced either. And best of all it's home to "America's Team" 😎

  • Jordan Gomez

    Jordan Gomez


    This place is jaw dropping. I have been wanting to come to this stadium for years and finally got my opportunity. I was also able to see a good game! All levels of the stadium had plenty of amenities for anything you needed food and beverage wise. I was slightly disappointed in the gift shop. I was hoping for more jersey selection. I can't wait to go back!

najbliższy stadion

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