Associated Supermarket w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAssociated Supermarket



🕗 godziny otwarcia

123, Avenue C, 10009, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-260-3159
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7245228, Longitude: -73.9786568

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bridget Coleman


    It's annoying when the sale signs ate taken down too early. Then you have to search the circular & shop.

  • en

    Waleska Maldonado


    Within walking distance, nice setup in the deli section, clean, very organized, easy to find what you're looking for

  • en

    Lally Eiomen


    Food looks neater in this place and cleaner but it cost more comparing to other supemarkets

  • Robert J Lafayette

    Robert J Lafayette


    A local food store kinda cramped because it is in New York City. I would give it 5 stars but sometimes the person behind the deli desk is not all present and sometimes to check out persons are not all present in their minds or physically because sometimes the lines are horrendously long and there's only one person at the checkout counters. A case in point is I had a hankering one day for a spiced ham sandwich with Swiss cheese on white bread with a lot of mustard. And that's how I ordered the sandwich: spiced ham, Swiss cheese, white bread, mustard. I received, and I didn't realize it till I got home, a Virginia ham sandwich with white American cheese on White bread. Sometimes the people at the checkout counters are equally as somewhere else in their minds. Nevertheless the store has plenty of items that are usable and the heavy items I purchase there are usually are bleach or large bottles of vinegar or things I don't want to carry a long distance. Sometimes I just feel like picking up something quick and easy for dinner from their fresh meat counter.

  • en

    David Carlson


    When Associated first opened it was a blessing offering a higher end alternative to the other ghetto supermarkets in the area. Over the years choices on the shelves have become more and more limited and it no longer differentiates itself from the other markets in the area. I've gone back to C-Town two or three blocks farther away for better produce, more choices, and slightly cheaper prices.

najbliższy Supermarket

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