Aspen Dental w Council Bluffs

Stany ZjednoczoneAspen Dental



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3617, Denmark Drive, 51501, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 712-326-3205
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2234033, Longitude: -95.836892

komentarze 5

  • Emily McQueen

    Emily McQueen


    They did a fantastic job! We needed emergency work done on a chipped tooth and they took care of us in just a few hours time. They were organized, communicated well, and the work is beautiful! Would definitely recommend.

  • DKay84



    If you can, shop around. They quoted me over $4500 for a periodontal deep cleaning which there was no way I could afford. In addition to using scare tactics and recommending procedures I didn't even need to rack up the bill more. A few months later, I ended up finding a periodontal specialist in town who completed all the work I needed done for $1200, which was practically free after my insurance.

  • Gina Scheinost

    Gina Scheinost


    I would have to say it was it an overall good experience. The only thing that I would say was negative about it is the fact that I was there for about an hour and maybe 10, 15 minutes in the waiting room before they took me back but they were able to get me back in the same day to get a bad tooth extracted and the doctor was amazing. She made sure it was completely numb-before she tried to pull as hard as it was. I felt absolutely no pain. It was great I would definitely recommend them.

  • Aaron Michalski

    Aaron Michalski


    Long story short, I had TERRIBLE experiences as a child with the dentist, which has lead to poor dental hygiene growing up. However, everyone at this office is 1000% incredible and I CANNOT tell you how much that means to me. Even if I know the procedure I'm about to go through may suck, their entire staff is knowledgeable and empathetic and I know they genuinely care about me. I recently had a 2 year span where I stopped going and they remembered me and were happy to see me return. I cannot recommend this location enough!

  • Michael Shinn

    Michael Shinn


    Very nice and professional staff! Highly recommended! I didn’t have an appointment, and was accepted upon arrival. Only a 20 minute wait in the lobby for processing paperwork. Services were performed carefully and didn’t take very long. I’m very satisfied with the results, and truly look forward to my next visit!

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