Art Room Hair & Spa w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneArt Room Hair & Spa



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31-08 30th Ave, 2nd Floor, Astoria, NY 11102, США
kontakt telefon: +1 917-745-0456
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.766572, Longitude: -73.921154

komentarze 5

  • Olga Farias

    Olga Farias


    It's a great place, with very professional staff, they do amazing work, did a great job on me. , I found Art Room after I had bad experience at another salon where they damaged my hair and made my head look like a rainbow,. Thankfully the staff at Art Room did a great job and gave me an amazing transformation I am so glad I came here I am so thankful and happy with my new look I defenitly recommend this place I love it and I am so thankful they're just great and really know what they're doing!!!! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

  • Rebecca Brosnan

    Rebecca Brosnan


    Sandra took my hair from "how could anyone cut like this?!" to way beyond just "this will have to do for now". i thought i would still not be able to wear my hair down for a few months, but Sandra had me leaving the salon in full confidence with a fabulous cut and blowout. i will definitely return for the full works again!!

  • en

    Fabian Chaparro


    My wife love this place. Best colorist in queens. Great service.

  • Jovana Drinčić

    Jovana Drinčić


    Art Room and Spa was very easy to find, just of the N and W trains in Astoria's 30th avenue! Salon is at prime location that is convenient for me to get to, even after a long day at work. After entering the salon, I felt welcomed by Sandra's big and warm smile. I told her what I need to be done with my hair and she answered all my questions. I had bad experiences with hairdressers before when they over process and overcharge me and I felt unhappy. Finally I found Sandra's hair salon and someone who is very versed at her profession with a gift to listen and deliver. That is rare! The final result was above all my expectations. I will be back for highlights and haircut soon

  • en

    Ivana Magdalena Paric


    What an amazing experience I had today. I visited Art Room for the first time and sat in Sandra's chair. I told her what I wanted and she patiently listened to me. Once I finished she told me her vision and opinion of what I should get and wooooooow was she right about that. It was beyond me expectations. I'm definitely a come back costumer and highly recommend Sandra and her staff. Getting Balayage and a haircut with blow dry I spend there some time and had the chance to see the other girls working as well. All of them give their clients 1000%, from counseling until the end product, no disappointments. The salon located on the second floor gives a great cozy vibe, with lots of space and lights, but most importantly it gives privacy. I'm glad I found the Art Room team and can't wait to go back.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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