Арт-центр Сторм Кинг i New Windsor

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterАрт-центр Сторм Кинг



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1, Museum Road, 12553, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-534-3115
internet side: www.stormking.org
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Latitude: 41.425063, Longitude: -74.059384

kommentar 5

  • Jennifer Golinski

    Jennifer Golinski


    Really nice place, entrance fees were higher than I expected. If fees were lower, I would love to visit multiple times, but you can see all the sculptures in one day if you're smart about it. Wear comfortable shoes.

  • Luis Bello

    Luis Bello


    Awesome place. Really worth the trip. Awesome plan recommended for spring or fall. Check ahead to see if it's open the date you are planning to go. If you're traveling from NYC I would recommend renting a car among several friends. Also consider arriving early for discounted entrance fee.

  • Jan Roemer

    Jan Roemer


    Wow. What a beautiful park this is - beautiful sculptures scattered over the whole terrain, the landscapes are breathtaking. You can easily spend a whole day here without getting bored. There's also the possibility of renting bikes which I recommend to do because the area is quite big.

  • Lissa Brax

    Lissa Brax


    I went twice on a school trip with my students. While it was really nice to be out in the open and enjoy the art work, I did not appreciate one of the staff members sort of hearing us out. On one trip, he came by the students as they were sitting on one of the interactive sculptures and just watched them, never saying anything to the nearby adults or the students. He then radioed to ask about our departure time and then followed the group out until we left. I'm not saying that the students were the most perfect behaved but they definitely did not deserve that treatment. While the artwork was beautiful, I would not want to return.

  • en

    Ewa Pawłowska


    Landscapes, sculptures and views are first class. A great opportunity to spend time outdoors outside of town. I was at the beginning of the season (beginning of May) and a small minus for the completely closed museum. They are 4 stars instead of 5, because the price of bicycle equipment is scandalous - almost the same as the price of the museum ticket. In my opinion, for park customers, bicycles should be free or available for a symbolic amount if a ticket is already purchased. A big plus for the nice guide of Mr. Charlie.

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