Armored Self Storage w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneArmored Self Storage



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2950, Western Center Boulevard, 76131, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-769-6598
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8609135, Longitude: -97.3195831

komentarze 5

  • en

    Susy Cue


    I love this facility! The office staff is AMAZING! The manager informed me that she was doing a walk of the property and realized that I had left my lock in the open position and immediately called to let me know. Some storage items are very precious and to know that they actually take the time to make sure mine and my children’s stuff is safe, is such a Blessing! They have very affordable prices as well!! Highly recommended!! Thank you!!

  • Charli Sanders

    Charli Sanders


    They really helped me out today. They genuinely seemed to care about MY particular situation and I would definitely recommend. Open on Sunday is a huge plus.

  • en

    ll hill


    Really nice people to work with Facility is clean and kept in perfect order Price is best un the area

  • Ashley Harkins

    Ashley Harkins


    Loved it here, had my unit for close to 2 years, they were always willing to work with me when needed and just the BEST experience I've ever had

  • Murali AM

    Murali AM


    5 STARS!!! The best service you can expect. Steve was super awesome. I was planning to use the free truck for loading but it was not available till 4:30 pm. I initially felt its just sales gimmick but Steve promptly called me at 3 pm and said the truck is back and you can take it now if you like. Wow that was customer service. Nice place. very friendly staff. Unit is clean and easily accessible. Gate works like charm. I would definitely recommend to my friends and colleagues as well.

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