Armas Home Care, INC. w West New York

Stany ZjednoczoneArmas Home Care, INC.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

400, 60th Street, 07093, West New York, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-868-6520
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7878838, Longitude: -74.0142167

komentarze 5

  • Samuel Martinez

    Samuel Martinez


    Armas Home Care is a great agency. They have been taking care of my elderly parents with dementia for about 8 months and I am very pleased with their services. The office staff is wonderful and the aides are very patient, have great knowledge about dementia, and take excellent care of my parents.

  • Rachel K.

    Rachel K.


    My mother has been chronically ill most of her life. Being her caregiver since I was a child, I have no words to express how thankful I am for your wonderful service and her aide who has provided us relief, peace of mind, and a new life for my mom and myself. I would recommend your services to anyone I know. Thank you for treating my mom like your own.

  • Pearl Bee

    Pearl Bee


    I worked for two weeks and I had a family agency. I didn’t work for a month and i was never paid. I will never recommend this place to anyone. My two weeks check is still with this company. How do you keep someone’s check after dealing with patients which everyone knows it’s not an easy job to do. I sent in my time sheet and I was told they received it so why didn’t I get paid. It’s about 4 months now and I’ve not even received a phone call about my check. I leave you to God

  • en

    Stephanie M.


    I LOVE this agency! I took my certified home health aide training class at Armas and it was great! The class is bilingual (Spanish and English). Tuition is best price in the area. The instructor is very knowledgeable and makes sure the students understand the material. I felt prepared for the exam! The office staff is also extremely kind and have helped me with everything from enrolling into the class, helping me with my CHHA application process, and assigning me to my cases! I highly recommend this agency!




    El mejor lugar para trabajar y tomar clases de Homemaker!!!

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