Arizona State University Downtown Phoenix Campus i Phoenix

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterArizona State University Downtown Phoenix Campus


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411, North Central Avenue, 85004, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-496-4636
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.4535385, Longitude: -112.0731218

kommentar 5

  • Carl Davis

    Carl Davis


    As a parent of a student who attended for four years and recently graduated I found the experience & extremely helpful staff to be top notch from start to finish!!! Would highly recommend to oters.

  • David Boylan 3RD

    David Boylan 3RD


    It's my first year here at ASU. It's both a pleasure and a privlige attending this university.

  • en

    HK Thompson


    Great campus and easily accessible from lightrail. The staff is friendly in most departments, my only complaint is the staff at information... my first time visiting this campus and was greeted by a very cold stare from the young girl working at information. She made a new student feel really unwelcomed and inferior. No greeting or "how can I help you" I physically stood at the desk while she stared me down. I was friendly and asked where the admissions office was yet she seemed very annoyed. Other than her terrible attitude the campus is great. Just putting this review up so incoming students and new students know what to exptect when asking for help at the information desk!

  • en

    Craig Stevens


    Very highly ranked programs at this campus including journalism, nursing and criminal justice. Buildings are very nice including the Cronkite building and dorms. Great campus.

  • Rustin Foster

    Rustin Foster


    Working on a master's degree here. I love the downtown campus but don't always have faith that I'm getting the education I'm paying for.

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