Arizona Nature Aquatics i Tucson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterArizona Nature Aquatics



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3518, North Country Club Road, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 520-321-9000
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.270646, Longitude: -110.926426

kommentar 5

  • Chris Gage

    Chris Gage


    They are very smart and helpful. The best part is the fish are healthy. You don't have to worry about getting a bunch of diseased fish like you do at many other places.

  • MrTastyTaters



    Very nice place! The fish all look super healthy and very active. The quality is great and so are the prices. I would look into coming to see for yourself if you haven't checked it out yet👍🏼

  • en

    Israel Gutierrez


    Just went in there not to long ago, friendly staff that greet you and offer help as you walk in! :D They have a wide selection of tropical fish, plants and DRIFTWOOD! Best prices i have yet to see on driftwood! Definitely will be a returning customer!

  • Arvid Sollom

    Arvid Sollom


    My favorite guy in the fish business hides this little gem up on the north side of Country Club, well worth tracking down on the GPS. He has the most beautiful freshwater setups around, and is a true enthusiast. Warning there is no business sign, it's a big airplane hanger sort of building inconspicuously shining as a diamond in the Tucson rough.

  • matthew williamson

    matthew williamson


    Great aquarium shop, fish all look healthy and happy. Plant sock is exquisite. All the tanks are perfectly cleaned and scaped. Large selection of scaling supplies, fertilizers and supplements. Very good prices on driftwood and rock. Can't say enough good things about this store.

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