Argenper USA Corporation w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneArgenper USA Corporation


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

54, Cianci Street, 07501, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-881-9403
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.915894, Longitude: -74.1752261

komentarze 5

  • es

    Giordano Hurtado Rivadeneyra


    Es una agencia muy pesima envias encomiendas paras tus seres queridos en peru y no les llega porque viajan gente X llevando tus cosas y nunca llegan todo lo que enviaste eh incluso la atencion es muy mala no te dan respuestas ah tus envios solo te dicen vuelva ah llamar y asii te tienen y demora entre 3 semnas en llegar es el colmo no vuelvo mas ah esa agencia! Mucho cuidado

  • Noellia Juarez

    Noellia Juarez


    Service is way too slow! They have all these extra charges and fees based on what you need to ship out (like "perfume fee", "if you ship a well known sneaker brand fee","how much did you pay for the sneakers? A fee based on what you paid", etc). Never provide you with a tracking number. Any item you send takes forever to arrive to its destination. As an example, my mom shipped out 2 very small items and was told it would take about 15 days to arrive, a month has passed and still nothing! But they have the nerve to charge you for "quick shipment" fee,"delicate item fee", and "item needs to be carried carefully fee". When you call or go to the office, customer service is non existent. Starting with the owner Martha, she is a piece of work. Never takes responsibility, talks down to her employees and treats her customers the same or worse. The employees follow that path,if you call, they put you on hold so they can continue their conversation (you can listen to everything, I guess they don't know how to use the hold button), if you inquire about your package, you are toast. They tell you it's not their fault, or to call back, or to complain with the location where you shipped out to, or even better, yell at you over the phone. So basically, stay away from this place. Their service is horrible. You are better off paying more for a reliable company like FedEx, US or even USPS.

  • Maritza Sanchez de Gonzales

    Maritza Sanchez de Gonzales


    Lo máximo

  • en

    Pat Christopher


    Excellent attention, thing get on time and safe👍🏻❤️

  • Neno 007

    Neno 007


    This is the worst place to send your loved ones stuff like clothes,sneakers etc was a nightmare plus all the money that they charged me is craziness at its best.....Also Customer service at the Paterson,NJ Office horrible they got mad at me because i came in at 6:30pm and they closed hours is 7PM gave me attitude all the 15mins I was there and made me feel like i did something wrong...but if they closed at 7 pm why they mad at me that is not my fault they have that business hours and they are in a rush to leave!!!! AS A CUSTOMER I WILL NOT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE NO ONE

najbliższy Finanse

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