Arctic Roadrunner w Anchorage

Stany ZjednoczoneArctic Roadrunner



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5300, Old Seward Highway, 99518, Anchorage, Anchorage, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 907-561-1245
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 61.1726819, Longitude: -149.8688144

komentarze 5

  • Greg Hartley

    Greg Hartley


    Best burgers in Anchorage. Best Alaskan atmosphere. Best way to meet locals (either present or past). My daughter says, "It's tasty." Do yourself a favor, order the Lord Baranof burger. It's an experience in itself.

  • en

    sabrina martino


    Love this place. Not just good burgers but you have to try the Old Fashioned onion rings as well. Love the creekside seating in the summer

  • Lee Page

    Lee Page


    Great little restaurant with a lot of memorabilia. Good food and fair prices, cash only/no cards, but they do have an ATM machine. I don't recommend the onion rings however.

  • Matt Woller

    Matt Woller


    Great food for the price, cash only though. They do have an ATM tucked into a corner, 2.55$ fee to use. Menu takes some getting used to, but the burgers are worth it. They have a pretty nice condiment bar, and unlimited refills. They also have some outdoor seating for the summer, which is nice when the weather cooperates. Tldr: great food, but the cash only thing gets a star docked. C'mon, its 2018, I hate carrying cash and there's nothing worse than having to pay some dumb fee to have access to my own money.

  • en

    Andrea Schuster


    It's not the finest dining option in town, but it is affordable and tasty to boot. If you have visitors from out of state who are not snooty do make sure to bring them here; they will be sure to appreciate the Alaska themed decor. Head out the back door and sit by the creek on sunny summer days, or grab a booth by the back windows when the weather isn't suited to being outdoors. My favorite thing to order is a salmon burger with coleslaw. I add sriracha to the coleslaw, throw it on top of the burger, and am happy as a clam.

najbliższy Restauracja

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