AQUI w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneAQUI



🕗 godziny otwarcia

520, Westheimer Road, 77006, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-360-7834
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.744763, Longitude: -95.388046

komentarze 5

  • en

    P Mizell


    Very very good. Stylish spacious dining room. Outdoor seating. Wonderful small plates, very fresh seafood. Similar in style to Uchi, but a little more relaxed. Service is very good and very friendly.

  • Ibraham Omran

    Ibraham Omran


    Last weekend I took my friend for his birthday to Aqui And I was surprised how busy the place was and they were busy for a reason. Service was amazing the food is very authentic and so delicious. What got me at the place is the atmosphere and the good Energy

  • en

    Eric Introligator


    The food was amazing as well as the service. Aqui is at the crossroads of Japanese / Filipino fusion and the flavor profiles were awesome. With 4 of us in our party, we sampled 5 small plate appetizers and 4 of the main dishes. We've traveled the world and think this menu is truly unique. Enjoy.

  • Hawkpanther Paolo

    Hawkpanther Paolo


    Stellar service and delicious food. The first I went was on their soft opening. I first at here on their soft opening, these guys are definitely running on cylinders now. I ate here on their first brunch (4-1-18). The menu was pretty good but I was told they are going to re-work a few itmes. The food was very tasty, so once that perfect the menu I'm sure it still be stellar like their evening menu.

  • Denise Ertsman

    Denise Ertsman


    Exceptional food and service. Everything we had was seasoned to perfection and balanced. The mushroom salad was so good, we ordered a second for the table! Everyone in our party agreed we should do it again very soon, so we could try more of the menu.

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