Aquatica i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAquatica



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800, Clanton Road, 28217, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-954-8777
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Latitude: 35.198872, Longitude: -80.883767

kommentar 5

  • Gokulnath Kanagaraj

    Gokulnath Kanagaraj


    Awesome place. The water they sell is of the highest quality. Would highly recommend them. The team there is really good and knowledgeable.

  • Madison L

    Madison L


    I went to Aquatica to get some help and pricing on starting a Stingray aquarium and to get algae eaters for my discus tank. The guy who helped me was amazing and very knowledgeable. I’m not sure of his name, but he was the tallest one there. The prices were great, not nearly as much as I thought it was going to be. I hope to be back soon, so I can get started on my new ray aquarium!

  • Deborah Lynn

    Deborah Lynn


    Use to love coming in here, staff doesn't seem to care about customers. All but one seemed bothered that we were there. Not much to choose from, fish seemed sickly. Very disappointed.

  • James Hobbs

    James Hobbs


    We USED to really enjoy the dedication to cleanliness and detail that Keith showed to our two aquariums during maintenance (cleaning). Make sure you can VIDEO what they are saying your paying for because you GETTING RIPPED OFF. Got this picture of him cleaning his phone. Tried to reach out to Gus (Owner) but HE DOESN'T HAVE TIME. Guess its time to find someone else to give our money too.

  • Daniel J

    Daniel J


    This company has a wonderful facility, lots of fish and items to choose from. If the fish you are looking for are not there, well most likely that will be able to order them for you. So they get one star deducted for their prices. Any of there products they sell has a huge mark-up, some like seachem iron, was like $12 for the 250ml anyone else, you will pay ~$6. I know they need to make money, but at least come close and not double the price. On the flip side, they do match Amazon/online pricing from reputable stores. Just sad I have to go through the trouble of not giving ripped off. They also do not have any warranties on their fish, second star removed from this. So, I had a fish die within a day, they were nice to replace her, but told me they only did it because I just got them and the other ones are surviving just fine. With all fish, sometimes they can survive the stress of shipping only a week until they pass at no fault of your own. This company does not give me warm and fuzzy feelings they would honor anything past a day or two.

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