Aquarium Restaurant i Houston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAquarium Restaurant



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410, Bagby Street, 77002, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 713-315-5126
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Latitude: 29.7642904, Longitude: -95.3673725

kommentar 5

  • Damn Babydoll

    Damn Babydoll


    The food is delicious! Every thing in your plate will have it's own flavorful taste and will not be bland. The food portions are generous and the staff is the nicest staff out there super sweet and with a great attitude. The views are great because there are tanks full of fish to look at. The wait here could take a long time but its worth it.

  • Danielle Gephart

    Danielle Gephart


    This was the first place my kids with food allergies ever ate at safely. Being a landry's restaurant, they are so wonderful with food allergies and keeping food allergic customers safe. I can't say enough good about them. It is SO fun too! We were able to have a really nice meal alongside the sea creatures (a HUGE tank that the tables are all set around) and we've been back several times.

  • en

    Geraldine White


    Started off rocket. Forgot it was the end of spring break. First tier was pleasant, second tier not so much. Waiter Alex was good until after the tickets were paid. Left my leftovers, yes that is on me. Went back less than 5 minutes, tables cleared(fine) waiter sitting at table. I asked about my leftovers all he would say is the busperson had already cleared the table. DUH. Had to ask him would he at least check to see if they had been thrown away( because they were tied in a plastic bag). I know this may be small to some but at least make the effort.

  • Ava Madison

    Ava Madison


    Great place for happy hour drinks. Wait staff is very nice and curious. Came back for dinner. Appetizers: Oysters Rockefeller were ok .Dinner plate: Had the steak ,cooked perfectly! Great atmosphere, great beer and wine selection. Walking distance from all the major hotels Downtown Houston.

  • Karen Richards

    Karen Richards


    Went through the aquarium and came up for drinks. My martini was fabulous and our server Celine was top notch. Gave us several ideas for bars to check out. Appreciate her!! Had a Caesar salad which was fine. Hard to mess that up. More a family spit. Lots of kiddos around, but we appreciated watching the ocean life. Good ambiance

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