Aqua Shine Pool Service w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneAqua Shine Pool Service



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1934, East Camelback Road, 85016, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 480-725-5884
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5096167, Longitude: -112.0397101

komentarze 5

  • en

    Laura Golding


    This company and their team of professionals are truly some of the best in the business. Our year old pool was having issues maintaining chemicals. This was frustrating to me as my kids have extremely sensitive skin. Brandon went above and beyond to not only help fix the issue in the short term, (so we could enjoy our pool safely) but also spent several hours on the phone with Pentair. Brandon is so knowledgeable that he was able to correctly diagnose the problem and get the manufacture to replace it free of charge. They are reliable, affordable, and trustworthy.. and I'm grateful they were recommended to me. Our pool has never looked (or felt) better!

  • en

    Gloria Nelson


    Jake does a wonderful job keeping the pool looking beautiful and clear so that one can see the bottom of the pool. Aqua Shine Pool Service has always responded quickly to my concerns and resolved them to satisfaction.

  • Travis Bush

    Travis Bush


    My wife and I were extremely pleased with the level of service we received from Aqua Shine. They were professional, courteous, and knowledgeable. Our pool has not looked this good since the day we got it. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for service in the Phoenix Metro area.

  • en

    Lisa Flesher


    After reviewing several options, we had Aqua Shine install a new variable speed pump for us. They sent out Jeremy who completed the install. He was great to work with and explained the pump settings. The whole process from start to finish was easy and we very are happy to have chosen Aqua Shine for our upgrade. Best of all, we are now saving around $50 a month on our energy bill!

  • en

    Rhonda Cronk


    I started using Aqua Shine this past fall. I had tried so many pool companies and had so many issues in the past. I needed a new pool pump and Aqua Shine walked me through my choices, and offered a very fair price. I had them install it and I have been super happy. Recently I noticed that my pool was almost full. We have not had any rain so I assumed the auto-fill had stopped working. They came out on time and changed out a part. Excellent service. He explained everything he had done and was super friendly and professional. I can't say enough good things about Aqua Shine. They are very honest and are extremely professional from the individuals that you talk to over the phone all the way to the Techs they send to your home.

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