Appliance Repair Edgewater i Edgewater

Forenede StaterAppliance Repair Edgewater



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941, River Road, 07020, Edgewater, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 862-229-9377
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Latitude: 40.827987, Longitude: -73.973038

kommentar 5

  • Carolyn M. Prince

    Carolyn M. Prince


    I was about to clean dishes from our dinner party but my dishwasher wouldn’t clean. I contacted Appliance Repair Edgewater for dishwasher repair and got surprised that the technician arrived immediately. He checked it and discovered it was due to worn water pump belt. I felt relieved after he replaced it expertly.

  • August Colyer

    August Colyer


    The quick response by Appliance Repair Edgewater made a really frustrating washer problem less annoying. The cycle has just finished but I couldn't open the door. I thought that if the tech wouldn't help that day there was a chance of mold growth. He was here in about an hour. That was excellent! He had his tools with him and it was obvious that he had plenty of washer repair experience. He seemed to be experienced with washing machines like ours. He explained that they are familiar with most brands. Excellent results! I truly appreciated the speedy response!

  • Donny Socha

    Donny Socha


    The best go-to appliance service company in town! I was impressed by how fast the fridge repair technician responded to my call. The lady I first spoke to at Appliance Repair Edgewater was nice, too. She explained their work process and the tech called back to confirm he would make it on time. He fixed our refrigerator and gave us some advice, too. We were grateful to say the least and definitely recommend them!

  • Patsy Coate

    Patsy Coate


    I have only had 2 washers over the years because the experts at Appliance Repair Edgewater have done such a good job taking care of them for me. They have taken the proper steps to ensure that my washer was always operating to its full potential. I recommend these guys for all washing machine services.

  • Long Hager

    Long Hager


    When my portable dish washing machine began leaking like crazy I reached out to Appliance Repair Edgewater for assistance. Their dishwasher repair service is very popular for a reason. They work on all makes and models and use quality parts to ensure complete satisfaction.

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