Appliance Repair Cliffside Park en Cliffside Park

Estados UnidosAppliance Repair Cliffside Park



🕗 horarios

230, Palisade Avenue, 07010, Cliffside Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 862-229-9375
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.812439, Longitude: -73.992091

comentarios 5

  • Walter Williams

    Walter Williams


    Once again, Appliance Repair Cliffside did a marvelous job on my washers. I called this appliances repair company months ago for a different service. Just last week, I called them for washer & dryer service. My washing machine was overflowing. The technicians replaced the defective water inlet valve. The service went smoothly.

  • en

    Ernest Rivera


    Do not call this center, they are a rip off. They are just a third party. They are not local either, just a calling service center which just charges you for connecting you with a local shop. I would give them 0 stars.

  • Shad Forester

    Shad Forester


    We had oven problems. Not that we use the appliance often, but one time that we needed to bake a cake, it wouldn't work. My husband searched online and found Appliance Repair Cliffside Park. We decided to ask details about their services and were amazed that they had all questions answered. No hesitations or keeping back their quotes! The oven was repaired by their tech later that day. He was very professional, checked the appliance well and didn't make a mess. Recommended appliance repair company!

  • Pew Morton

    Pew Morton


    Our dishwasher wouldn't wash right lately and so we made an appointment with one of the technicians at Appliance Repair Cliffside Park. One of the first things we liked about this company was that the tech called us right back to ask what was wrong with our dishwasher and was prompt to our appointment. He had to fix one of the hoses and recommended gasket replacement. Everything was done that day and the appliance works just fine since then. We'll certainly call for appliance repair service again.

  • Emily Yarnall

    Emily Yarnall


    When I needed a reliable service provider to help me with some appliance repairs I was really not quite sure where to turn. Then a friend suggested I get in touch with the friendly folks down at Appliance Repair Cliffside Park. I followed his advice and they provided me with the best washer repair service ever.

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