Appliance Parts Center w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneAppliance Parts Center



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501, North Eastern Avenue, 89101, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 702-384-8888
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.171356, Longitude: -115.116369

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mike L


    I go see these guys at least twice a year for the past 10 years when I’m repairing my AC and furnace. The staff is extremely knowledgeable and always willing to help. Always a positive experience.

  • en

    David Grogan


    I've used these guys for several repairs now, and have always had great service. Today I dealt with Paul, who was as helpful as all of the counter folks have always been. A little research on the internet and a little advice from APC ends up saving a lot of money -- it's also a great way to get your air conditioner or refrigerator up and running again without having to wait for a service call while the food in the fridge goes bad. Always call here first!

  • en

    Joe Budzyn


    Awesome customer service! Great local shop that will take the time to make sure you are leaving with all your questions answered. I went in to get a replacement capacitor for my AC unit. Monty told me it was likely the fan that was bad but I decided to try the capacitor first. Did not fixed the problem and was back a few hours later. Monty and Ed made sure I had the right motor, helped get the fan blades off the old motor, made sure I had a new capacitor that would work, and all the right hardware to install. Made the job once I was home go very fast! Honestly the best parts store service I have received ever! Go here if you need parts for home appliances!

  • Russell Duren

    Russell Duren


    A+ customer service, not just a bunch of retired grumpy field techs punching a clock. My clerk was excellent, easy breezy. I could overhear the clerk next to me patiently giving a great crash course on refrigerator coils to a first-time DIYer. Prices are competitive, maybe not the absolute lowest vs online shops but it's worth the certainty that you're getting exactly what you need and some advice if you're unsure. The only place I'll go for parts.

  • ewsrs 62

    ewsrs 62


    I'm a average home owner that has dealt with Appliance Parts Center over various home appliance repairs for several years now. I have never had a negative experience. And consider their prices reasonable. As many others already know, customer service by itself is outstanding. My most recent visit was over a blower motor for my heating system. Paul was not only knowledgeable but very reassuring that I could do this. He made sure when I left I had everything necessary. Including cleaning and installing original mounting hardware from old motor to new motor and got me a new capacitor. If I had any questions, just give him a call. Thank you Paul, for your knowledge and help with this repair. A complete success! Thanks again, Team APC! Ed

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