Apache Foreign w Kennedale

Stany ZjednoczoneApache Foreign



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7001, East Kennedale Parkway, 76060, Kennedale, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-478-1441
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6306395, Longitude: -97.2039455

komentarze 5

  • en

    Daniel Hilliard


    I love this place! Amazing prices and good people. Can almost always find exactly what I need and get a quote. And they are dog friendly.

  • Tommy Pitzer

    Tommy Pitzer


    Horrible service at both yards apache iron and metal and apache foreign. They have no idea of the parts they have in stock. There is no inventory to make service easy or go smoothly. The owner is not a very nice person. They discriminate as to who they do business with. The yard itself is a disaster and very dangerous to walk through and the entire place is total chaos. I recommend apple auto salvage or b&b foreign any day over apache foreign or apache auto salvage iron &metal.

  • en

    Terrence McKinnon


    If u need foreign used parts prices are fair. Down side u pull

  • en

    Mike Martinez


    I've heard this place was the hot spot back in the day and you could usually find what you needed. The yard is unkempt but that's not something that bothers me one bit. Every so often hard to find cars pop up and you can score good parts. Even though new inventory is slow to come, it's still worth checking out. Prices are reasonable.

  • en

    James Kavanaugh


    Very friendly and considerate to every customer great prices and very knowledgeable about every vehicle and also knowing about stock and location of vehicles in their huge lot!im a genuine customer for life and other salvage yards should take notes on customer service to all patrons

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