Antiques And Collectibles Mall w Rochelle Park

Stany ZjednoczoneAntiques And Collectibles Mall



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174 Route 17 North, Rochelle Park, NJ 07662, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-880-9080
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.90372, Longitude: -74.0711431

komentarze 5

  • en

    Peter Frapaul


    A store with a variety of items and collectibles for purchase. Some vendors had antique items that were old, others had collectibles like old wind up toys and hess trucks, pops figurines .on the second floor they had antique furniture, comic books, books. They even sell vinyl records.

  • Josh Rainey

    Josh Rainey


    Really interesting place for anyone with some free time to kill. Tons of stuff to look at ranging from Toys and comics to old glassware and even some old flintlock pistols. Most of it is for sale and inside glass cases but at any given time there are employees roaming up and down the isles asking if you have questions or just chit chatting with customers in general. If you find the right person as well prices are negotiable and on certain weekends they have a small flea marker it a separate room with all sorts of neat stuff. Definitely worth the a stop in even if you aren't looking to purchase anything.

  • Aprill Pedras

    Aprill Pedras


    They have literally a little bit of everything. Old jewelry, toys, records, sports paraphernalia, and furniture, to more modern things like Funko pops. Everything is displayed in beautifully lit glass displays and the staff are friendly and went around talking and joking around with customers!

  • en

    Colin Fleming


    Awesome fun stuff, something for everyone. Great for gifts and also a selection of original artwork.

  • Da Hombre

    Da Hombre


    Super awesome place!!! Really impressed with the entire layout of the store and level of professionalism from the staff. Could not believe how many cool things they have throughout their store. It was an instant addiction. Going to bring in some things for them to appraise, which I must add is FREE. I would recommend this spot to anyone who is looking for original, different, special and rare items with an unrivaled experience.

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