Anthony Capalino Salon w Somerville

Stany ZjednoczoneAnthony Capalino Salon



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5, Middlesex Ave, 02145, Somerville, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-625-2887
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3906141, Longitude: -71.0820257

komentarze 5

  • Alissa Stanley

    Alissa Stanley


    I went here after not having had a haircut in years, and I'm so glad I did! I have thick hair which is somewhere between really curly and wavy, and Anthony did a fantastic job. He gave me some layers and finished with a stellar blow out that had people asking where I went after getting back to work. Definitely recommended!

  • en

    Jennifer Dolloff


    My poor poor hair.....

  • Yanina BenMoshe

    Yanina BenMoshe


    Anthony is fantastic! I got the single process and haricut and it looked amazing. I also brought my 2 year old son for a haircut and he did a great job! I would definitely recommend his services. Salon is clean and comfortable and staff is very friendly

  • holly fox

    holly fox


    Great cut; great service and they were able to see me on short notice!

  • en

    Kristen digregorio


    I came in with a serious hair disaster, and was very frightened I'd have to cut my hair pixie short, or worse, even shorter. The whole staff took their time to help me keep as much hair as possible, and thanks to their skill and patience I was able to save a lot more hair than I ever imagined possible. The owner, Anthony, was incredibly polite and personable, and no one made me feel embarrassed or stupid for allowing a student to do my hair and basically ruin it. I'm so appreciative for all their help and I look forward to returning in a few months for a trim and highlights. His assistant is also super nice and she made me feel very comfortable and in good hands. I'm very lucky they were willing to take on such a disastrous hair problem, but they all helped me more than I could have hoped for. I recommend this salon to anyone of any age, and can guarantee you'll walk out of the salon a much happier and better looking person. :-) Ps, although most gps will lead you to the wrong side of the building, the salon is located inside the gym at assembly row. I want to thank Anthony for helping me and I am looking forward to returning to the salon soon. Kristen

najbliższy Salon piękności

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