Angry Orchard i Walden

Forenede StaterAngry Orchard



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2241, Albany Post Rd, 12586, Walden, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 888-845-3311
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.5872822, Longitude: -74.2218302

kommentar 5

  • en

    Flora Saverino


    Had a blast tonight for cider week with family and friends. Tastings were great. Atmosphere was great. And Chef Sean of Amuzae and his crew were amazing with the food. Can't wait to go back and taste all of Angry Orchards ciders.

  • en

    Matt Germaine


    The cider isn't bad but the staff all acts like cops. If you walk off the path they reprimand you. If you bring a kid they reprimand you. If you just want to enjoy being outside drinking cider here's a lot of other options on the area that are much more laid back and not have the corporate feel

  • angelica c

    angelica c


    Fans of Angry Orchard ciders should definitely pass by for a visit. The free tasting is great, but having a seat on the fabulous grounds to do so is the real draw. Various tours are also available, and the gift shop is a good place to pick up growlers or special editions.

  • Eric Bond

    Eric Bond


    Stop by and have a tasting in the ciderhouse and enjoy the Mountain view and a flight of cider’s while enjoying some great live music. You can take a guided tour and enjoy a taste of a special cider or just explore on your own. Great for a quick afternoon stop with friends, just don’t expect to go apple picking.

  • en

    Kathleen Madison


    Been here many times. The cider house and grounds are beautiful. The tree house is pretty cool. Staff always friendly. It's nice to be able to sample 3 ciders of your choice at no charge. Great place to sit and relax, sip cider and enjoy time with friends.

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